Here are the milestones of the active relationship;
June 2010. Shimon Peres, President
June 2010 Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor
June 2010 Moshe Kahlon, Minister of Communications
August 2007. Yitzhak Aharonovitch, Minister of Tourism
January 2007. Tzipi Livni, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
January 2005. Ehud Olmert, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor
January 2005. Tali Rosenbaum, Director General, Ministry of Science and Technology
January 2003. Eliezer (Moodi) Sandberg , Minister of Science and Technology
September 2003. Mr. Ran Cohen, a Member of Knesset, president Chairman of the Israel-Korea Parliamentary Association
August 2002. Reuven Rivlin, Minister of Communication
June 2002. Michael Nudelman, Deputy Speaker of the Knesset
August 1997. Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister
April 1997. Natan Sharansky, Minister of Industry and Trade
April 1997. Dan Tichon, Speaker of the Knesset
March 1997. Shimon Peres, Former Prime Minister
January 1996. Avraham Shochat, Minister of Finance
December 1994. Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister
November 1994. Shulamit Aloni, Minister of Science, Education and Arts
June 1994. Uzi Baram, Minister of Tourism
2010 Joint Declaration between the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor of the state of Israel and Small and Medium Business Administration of the Republic of Korea on Cooperation in the Field of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
2007-2009 Program of Cultural and Educational Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Government of the State of Israel
2001 Agreement on Bilateral Cooperation in Private Sector Industrial Research and Development between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Government of State of Israel (KORIL-RDF)
1997 Convention between the Government of the State of Israel and the Government of the Republic of Korea for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital
The Korea-Israel Industrial research and Development Foundation (KORIL-RDF) is a public, non-profit organization maintained by the government of Korea and Israel in order to administer the joint R&D fund established by both countries in May 2001.